Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Gift of Time

I've been unemployed for a few weeks now and everyone I talk to wants to know what it's like.  It's pretty much like what you'd think: suddenly I am caught up on my sleep, all those loose ends and projects around the house are getting done, my dog is getting his walks more regularly, and I'm even getting to the gym more often.

All of this I looked forward to during the count down between when I gave notice and actually walked out the door on that last day.  But what I didn't expect was the effect of all this time on my hands.  Slowly over the last few weeks, as I racked up more hours of sleep, as I shed my worries about my job, as I chipped away at all the other priorities in my life, something magical has happened: my UC symptoms have gotten just a wee bit better. 

Previously, it seemed like I was walking around with a clenched fist in my lower abdomen.  It always just felt like a muscle that simply would not relax.  I just noticed this morning that it's been a few days since I've had that feeling.  Before, I was barely able to walk my dog 6 blocks without fear of having to dash back home to get to a bathroom.  In fact, in the two weeks before I left my job, I think I had three accidents.  But two days ago, I did 4 miles on the treadmill at the gym and didn't have to break to use the bathroom once.  Just a month or so ago, I was usually awakened at 5:30 or 6:00 a.m. by an urgent need to get to the bathroom.  Now, I usually wake that early because my body has had enough sleep and is ready to get up and start another day. (OK, I still usually have to get to the bathroom within a few minutes after waking, but at least I'm not racing to the toilet before my eyes are even open yet.)

I'm not saying that shedding my job was the silver bullet I've been praying for in terms of ending my struggle with UC.  But it has really been an eye-opener to realize just how profound a role my job stress plays in the disease process. In the coming weeks, I look forward to more and more benefit from my unemployed lifestyle.

So now the trick becomes learning how to implement some of my easy-going unemployed ways as I get ready to dip my toes back into the employment pool.  I can't go without a job forever (and wouldn't want to even if I could) but in just a few weeks without a job, I've already learned how deeply vital it is that I manage the other priorities in my life.

There's lessons here for people who have healthy bodies too.  From time to time, we are all guilty of burning the candle at both ends.  But I want you to know how powerful it is to make sure you're getting enough sleep, to pay attention to whatever it is you WANT to pay attention to, to get some exercise, etc.  Sure, not everyone has the luxury of quitting their job, but if you can make some time in your day-to-day, or even plan 2 or 3 days of vacation so you can pretend you're unemployed for a few days, I guarantee your health and well-being will benefit tenfold. 

For my part, I'm going to just enjoy the windfall of improved health as I start thinking about my next professional challenge.  What a gift!

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